Hey everyone I'm back. I have been a giant slacker when it comes to updates. I promise that I will get better at updates from now on. Between my new laptop and being at school and work you would think this would make me busier but actually this will make it more convenient to update. Why is this the case you ask? Because I am a big slacker and will use this as a distraction from doing what I should do, but don't want to do.
So anyways to update on my last post SHE SAID YES!!! It was a great night we went to the Melting Pot and the staff was awesome. They even designed a dessert around the ring! We have tentatively set a date of May 30 or June 6 for the wedding.
Since then I have seen My Beautiful only once. Over Labor Day. It was a great time but it has been almost a month and feels like years. Now that I have my new laptop I get to talk to her over video chat. Let me tell you it sure beats talking on the phone. But when it comes to talking to her I would use smoke signals so long as we got to talk.