I drove out straight after work on two weeks ago today. I went out early to surprise Camille (she thought I was coming the next day) and because of the nine hour drive I didn't get there till 11 PM just in time to show up and wake her up from her deep sleep. I'm not so sure she was happy to see me that late, she stated that the next day at work was rough because it took a while for her to get back to sleep. I like to think it was because she was so excited. The hard part was our nightly conversation that we have. I had to spend the whole time on the phone lying to her about what I did the whole day so she didn't know I was actually driving the whole time. So I took every conversation I had with people on the phone, while I was driving, and took what they did and applied it to myself.
Because it was the middle of the week Camille still had to go to work during the day so I found things to occupy myself. She let me use her GPS so I could drive around and find different things for errands. I came back and mowed the lawn which, I enjoyed immensely (because I have no lawn). I doubt I will hold that same enthusiasm when I have to do it in the middle of summer with the humidity. And then I would cook her dinner at night.
Over the weekend we went to different stores around Kansas City, like Bass Pro Shop, Cabellas, and Nebraska Furniture Mart. That place was huge! Then we went down to The Plaza which, is like the 16th Street Mall in Denver only not ghetto. It was really nice and had a ton of upscale stores. Of course we had to go into Coach and other stores like it. We shopped for bedding in one store for when we get married and it was pricey, but the educated us on quality bedding. So you can imagine where we will register our bedding for the wedding :). Then we finished off with BBQ from a great place called Jack Stacks BBQ. Real KC BBQ, I love it.
On my last day we went to church and then took Ne-J to the botanical gardens and walked around. They are not like the botanical gardens here. It was a really dense forest with a stream running through it where Ne-J played in water for the first time. She instantly became a water dog for life. It was so funny to watch. We walked around the trail for awhile and then headed back home. The rest of the night was sad because I knew I was leaving in the morning.
I think she is drowning...
I left Camille for the Springs the next morning and of course there was tears.On the plus side I guess I got to drive through a thunderstorm with lightning everywhere. I was pretty sure I would get struck, because part of me wanted to get out of the car and take pictures.
I can't wait to go back and do it all over again. I was surprised at how much I liked the area. It's not Colorado but I am ready for a change. It has further inspired me to finish my previous commitments here so we can be married and start our family out there.
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